Saturday, June 29, 2019

We took a day trip to Bruges.  What a dream!  Bruges is a well-preserved, picturesque medieval town with winding streets and canals lined with fine buildings.

And, we found another WWI (and WWII) memorial in town: 

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Just arrived in Antwerp - what a greeting with its classic train station!

Not to mention some food necessities:-)

Belgian waffles with just about any topping you desire!

Belgian fries with different sauces!

Macaroons - every flavor!

Cheese croquettes

White chocolate mousse!

Belgian fries at Frituur No. 1

Quiche with salad

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Paid a couple visits to the Royal Military Museum, which has a big focus on WWI and the equipment, uniforms, weaponry, tanks, and airplanes used.  The museum does well in showing the scope of the many countries involved in "the Great War", a true world war in every sense of the term as 31 countries were represented in the conflict.

We were able to meet up with Brian Dick from the U.S. Embassy; we have been working together throughout the year in making it possible for AJLA's 6th grade class to collaborate with a Belgian school in the small town of Couvin; this also celebrates the significance of the 100th year anniversary of Couvin having been liberated by American troops (from Bronzeville!).  

Brian lent us his historic knowledge while showing us around the historic Flemish town of Leuven, just another example of a town in Belgium that was completely destroyed by WWI.

We had the opportunity to visit the Belgian State Archives in Brussels and find some WWI photos and posters to bring back to our classrooms.  Not the easiest task navigating French and Dutch records!

We are amazed at WWI (and WWII!) memorials popping up wherever we turn in Brussels; what an effect both wars had here...

Brussels Central Station

We have arrived in Brussels and are taking in all the sites!  We are enjoying this heat wave in Europe and putting in LOTS of steps in seeing everything we can!

with Charles Buls - mayor of Brussels

St. Hubert Gallerie

Parc du Cinquantenaire - 50th Anniversary of Belgium independence 1880

Albertina Place

Albert I  (1875-934)

King Albert is often depicted with in uniform as he valiantly led Belgium troops into battle. He even allowed his 15 year old son and heir to join in the fight against the German invaders.


The Grand Place of Brussels 

A Brussels must - the "Mannekin Pis" photo op

Palais Royal